Watch each video and answer the corresponding questions on your workspace.
Marked by the Gospel
This Week's Checklist:
- Watch the Sermon
- Drafts answer questions 1 & 2 in the Workspace
- Drafting ideas/outlines for the Decision in Christ story
- Ambassador Check-in
Marked by Grace
Marked by Generosity
Marked by Gathering
Marked by Going
Week 2 Checklist:
- Watch the Sermon
- Drafts answer questions 3 & 4 on the DNA Assessment Workspace
- Drafting ideas/outlines for the Decision in Christ story
- Ambassador Check-in
Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Segment A
Hooray! You've finished the DNA Series! Now write your Decision in Christ story. Tips below:
Unity within the Family Unit
Covenant Family and Membership Segment A
Covenant Family and Membership Segment B